If you are unsuccessful at selling your home and did not qualify for a deed in lieu of foreclosure, a Consent to Judgment may be your best option. With this option you are agreeing to a quick foreclosure so you and your family can move on with your lives. Also, based on your circumstances, Rushmore may be able to assist you with relocation expenses.
You may be eligible for a Consent to Foreclosure Judgment, if:
- Your loan is in default or default is imminent
- You have a hardship, such as a job loss, divorce or medical emergency
- You are unable to afford your current monthly mortgage payment
- You are unable to modify your current home loan
- You tried to sell your property at fair market value with a licensed real estate agent for at least 90 – 120 days and were unsuccessful
- There are other liens against the property which could not be negotiated to release their interest in the property
Please call your Home Retention Specialist at 888-504-7300.
We will work to obtain approval of your consent to foreclosure judgment from all necessary parties.
- The foreclosure attorney will prepare the necessary documents, obtain your signature and forward them to us.
- Upon receipt, we will sign the documents and return to the attorney.
- The attorney will file the consent with the court and a sale date is scheduled.
- Upon completion of the sale, you will have between 14 and 30 days to relocate, depending on the law in your area.
When you move out, it is important to leave the interior and exterior of the house in good condition. All personal items, trash and debris must be removed, and the house should be free of damage.
Depending on your mortgage, the circumstances, and the condition of the property, you may be eligible for relocation assistance.
Processing time for a Consent to Foreclosure Judgment is generally 60 days from the time we receive all required documents. This timeline is also impacted by the local courts calendar.